In 2021, Tender Absence celebrates Glokalität – with a focus on innovative formats that explore digital connections and experiences while also examining the local context, beyond one's current physical location, and its global relationships.
The concept of "Glocality" is at the center of attention here: it involves approaches that incorporate local aspects or communities while also operating within a global context. Tender Absence connects these local peculiarities and enables networking through the platform.
Tender Absence 2021 experiments with different curation and participation formats. It opens up a versatile space for experiments, breaking boundaries with innovative game arrangements, performances, or discussion series, allowing for different perspectives and intimate moments in the virtual space.
Tender Absence presents three artistic program series (lone|some, be here|be yond, show|real) from June to December 2021 for the virtual and public space. In addition, there will be regular discussion series (tender talks).
The artistic formats:
lone|some (Videocall/VR): short, novel performances in digital space by Ira Brand, Josh Coates, Rayén Mitrovich & Francisco González, which focus on personal encounters between individual visitors and performers.
be here|be yond (walk/augmented reality): Three local juries from different regions of the world will each select a team to develop short playful concepts for 1-3 people outdoors. Including: Eman Hussein, Fast Familiar and David Paredes & Emerson Caicedo.
show|real (online performance): show | real explores digital or hybrid event formats that focus on glocality. With: Kritik Alan, Siegfried Saerberg, Tanya Sahin & Danusch Merrikh-Yazdi and Gabi Linde & Katherine Leung
#tender|talks (series of talks): Globally, we invite people to talk about a topic related to the artistic series in 20-minute conversations in their specific, local context. Georg Klüver-Pfandtner talks with guests Mena El Shazly and Ana more to follow.
Easter holiday workshop Our “Sister*hood” project is entering its second year. During the Easter vacations, we are offering rap workshops for girls* and young women*. Together with rappers Haszcara and Alice Dee, participants will learn how to write lyrics and rap.
Kick-off workshop at the EL ELE Festival (from 14 years)
April 5, 4:30 p.m.
Easter vacation workshop (from 10 years)
April 22-26, 2:00 - 6:00 p.m.
All workshops take place in the Houseclub of HAU Hebbel am Ufer
The 5th episode of “Grauzone Pott” has been released. The podcast sheds light on the previously unnoticed history of migrant resistance and neo-Nazi violence in the Ruhr region in the 1980s and 1990s. A second season is being planned.
Listen to the episodes wherever there are podcasts, or at
The documentary “Sisterqueens” has been released in cinemas. On March 9, we were guests at a special screening at Babylon Kreuzberg for a Q&A and subsequent discussion about the cultural cuts in Berlin. You can find the latest cinema dates on the film's Instagram channel @sisterqueens_film
Chris Herzog will be on stage in the performance “Trouble” (director: Katrin Hylla). Five performers aged between 10 and 43 are looking for ways to deal with the gloomy scenarios we encounter every day on all channels. Can cotton candy, magic tricks or poems by Kae Tempest help? How can we react to all the trouble together? And how can we be strong without hardening ourselves?
After the revival in Bremen, “Trouble” goes on tour!
31.01. 7 pm & 01.02.2025 4 pm, Schwankhalle Bremen
07.02. 7 pm & 08.02.2025 4 pm, TNT Marburg
28.03. & 29.03.2025, Ballhaus Ost Berlin uses cookies. If you click on 'OK' or continue to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies.